Séminaire du Groupe de Travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing": Rémi Bardenet (Directeur de recherche CNRS, CRIStAL)

phlam Vie du laboratoire Séminaire
Bâtiment M3, 3e étage, salle de séminaire

La "Maison de la Simulation" et le groupe de travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" vous invite au séminaire de Rémi Bardenet (Laboratoire CRIStAL)

Lien Zoom: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/97091069764?pwd=FbDfbgkUlSNbzxEnDy7ppRlFvR0uw5.1

15:30-16:30: Rémi Bardenet (CNRS Research director at CRIStAL) - Bâtiment M3, 3e étage, salle de séminaire

Titre: Quantum-certified randomness: what does it mean?


Some of us recently met with people from Quandela and OVHcloud who told us about a whole area of research called quantum-certified randomness, where quantum results like the violation of a Bell inequality can be used to give a so-called “certificate of randomness”. I have tried to investigate what this actually means, and will tell you about a few basic things I think I have understood. Here are a high-level review from Nature, and a more technical landmark paper, also in Nature, that I will use as an example of protocol.