Labeling of the FiberTech Lille platform by the University of Lille

In 2020, the University of Lille and its partners launched a program to pool their major equipments and infrastructures in order to open and strengthen its public and private partnerships. The University of Lille has thus labeled 50 structures in 10 different themes, all addressing specific specifications. These structures therefore aim to contribute to research and development activities, to the influence and attractiveness of the University of Lille. The platforms constitute one of the priorities of the research policy of the University of Lille with a budget in the form of a specific endowment dedicated to them. Since 2020, Fibertech Lille has been a scientific and technological platform certified by the University of Lille.
The label represents real added value, it has notably enabled Fibertech Lille to:
- To increase its visibility on a national and international scale.
- To benefit from financial support from the University of Lille in the form of an annual grant.
- Access calls for support specific to the University of Lille platforms.
- To be identified as a support structure for structuring projects of the University of Lille and the CNRS: Equipex+, Labex, regional, national (ANR, FUI, PSPC) and European programs (H-2020, M-era-NET, Horizon -RIA).
- To expand its network and count among its collaborators and customers major players in the optical fiber sector: Amplitude, ASN, Cailabs, CEA (LIST and CESTA), Draka-Prysmian, Ekinops, IDIL, iXblue, Leukos, Fluoride glass, Lightcore, ONERA, Orange, Safran, St Gobain, Thales…