Creation of the LabCORE joint laboratory
LabCORE is a joint laboratory involving the PhLAM laboratory, the IRCICA institute and Lightcore Technologies. Its aim is to develop next generation endoscopic probes enabling nonlinear imaging with a miniature and minimally-invasive system.

Lightcore Technologies is a spin-off from PhLAM (and Fresnel Institute, Marseille) which is commercializing nonlinear endoscopic technologies based on hollow core fibers developed at PhLAM over the last ten years. Among these achievements, one can note the first worldwide CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering) miniature endoscope [1] and the first worldwide multimodal endoscope including 3-photon excited fluorescence imaging modality [2].

In addition to scientific publications, LabCORE has led to a patent application [3] and a know-how declaration. Moreover two Lightcore employees are based permanently at Ircica to work within the frame of LabCORE. They are assembling endoscpoic probes and developing new technologies with researchers from PhLAM in order to enlarge the product range which Lightcore is commercializing.
LabCORE presentation in the CNRS innovation letter :
[1] A. Lombardini, V. Mytskaniuk, S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, X. Chen, J. Wenger, M. Fabert, N. Joly, F. Louradour, A. Kudlinski, and H. Rigneault, “High-resolution multimodal flexible coherent Raman endoscope”, Light: Science & Applications 7, 10 (2018).
[2] D. Septier, V. Mytskaniuk, R. Habert, D. Labat, K. Baudelle, A. Cassez, G. Brévalle-Wasilewski, M. Conforti, G. Bouwmans, H. Rigneault and A. Kudlinski, “Label-free highly multimodal nonlinear endoscope”, Opt. Express 30 (14), p. 25020-25033 (2022).
[3] D. Septier, A. Pastre, R. Bernard, G. Brévalle-Wasilewski, D. Labat, H. Rigneault, G. Bouwmans and A. Kudlinski, “Hollow-core double-clad fiber coupler for nonlinear micro-endoscopy”, J. Lightwave Technol. 41 (14), p. 4792-4798 (2023) + patent application No. 2211428 (3 nov 2022).
[4] A. Kudlinski, A. Cassez, O. Vanvincq, S. Septier, A. Pastre, R. Habert, K. Baudelle, M. Douay, V. Mytskaniuk, V. Tsvirkun, H. Rigneault and G. Bouwmans, “Double clad tubular anti-resonant hollow core fiber for nonlinear microendoscopy”, Opt. Express 28 (10), p. 15062-15070 (2020).