Le laboratoire PhLAM cherche des physiciens ou physico-chimistes de formation pour effectuer un stage en master.
Les candidatures, comportant un CV et une lettre de motivation, doivent être soumises auprès des chercheurs responsables des sujets proposés.

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2025 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Phonon Lifetime and KPZ Scaling in Non-Equilibrium Bose Superfluids | A. Rançon (PhLAM) / N. Cherroret (LKB) | |
Designing 1D Optical Ring Traps for Ultracold Quantum Gases Plus d'informations | R. Chicireanu |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2025 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Quantum properties in arrays of coupled nonlinear cavities | G. Patera / C. Hainaut | |
Beam manipulation in advanced compact accelerators | E .Roussel | |
Etude de l'influence du bruit sur la modélisation des solitons et des ondes de choc dans les cristaux liquides | E. Louvergneaux | |
Title Mimicking some metastic processes | F. Anquez (PhLAM) / L. Chann (CANTHER) / B. Pfeuty (PhLAM) | |
Novel photonic strategies for measuring terahertz and infrared light in real time | S. Bielawski (PhLAM) |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2025 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Development of High Resolution Multidimensional Spectroscopy | B. Hays / A. Mussot |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2025 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Measurement and compensation of wave front error | E. R. Andresen | |
Additive manufacturing of complex photonic components and circuits | Y. Quiquempois / M. Douay / H. EL HAMZAOUI | |
Experimental investigation of coupling in multicore fibers | L. Bigot / Y. Quiquempois | |
Development of new fiber laser sources operating in pulsed regime | S. Boivinet / G. Bouwmans / L. Bigot / O. Vanvincq | |
Characterization of doped optical glasses and fibers for neutron dosimetry | B. Capoen / M. Bouazaoui | |
Stimulated Raman scattering histology using a hollow core fiber micro- endoscope | A. Kudlinski / E. Lefebvre |
Archive 2023
Master 2 “Photonics, Complex and Quantum Systems (PhoCQS)" Research Trainings

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2025 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Quantum simulations with a Bose-Einstein condensate experiment with controllable interactions | Radu Chicireanu / P. Szriftgiser | radu.chicireanu[at] |
Amplitude-phase representation in the path integral formalism. | A. Rançon | adam.rancon[at] |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Optical turbulence: ultrafast measurement of wave thermalization and of energy cascade | P. Suret | pierre.suret[at] |
Numerical investigation on advanced compact accelerators | E. Roussel | eleonore.roussel[at] |
Soliton gas in a nonlinear electrical line | S. Randoux | stephane.randoux[at] |
Statistical modeling of the spatiotemporal dynamics of cancer cell populations | B. Pfeuty | benjamin.pfeuty[at] |
Multimode quantum light from microresonators | G. Patera | giuseppe.patera[at] |
Measurement of the stochas/c proper/es of liquid crystals for the simula/on of op/cal nonlinear propaga/on in liquid crystals | E. Louvergneaux | eric.louvergneaux[at] |
Out-of-equilibrium quantum gases in reduced dimension | C. Hainaut | clement.hainaut[at] |
Dynamical manipulation of relativistic electron-bunches circulating in storage rings during a spatio-temporal instability | C. Evain | clement.evain[at] |
« Terahertz oscilloscopes » based on photonic time-stretch concepts | S. Bielawski | serge.bielawski[at] |
Laser in a lattice of photonic resonators | A. Amo | alberto.amo[at] |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Precision spectroscopy of acetylene for fundamental science applica3ons | F. Constantin | florin.constantin[at] |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Simulating excitations and ionizations with efficient electronic structure methods | Severo Pereira Gomes Andre | andre.gomes[at] |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Photonic lanterns for wavefront sensing and imaging | Siddharth Sivankutty | siddharth.sivankutty[at] |
Study of Mamyshev oscillators | Olivier Vancincq | olivier.vanvincq[at] |
Master 2 "Matter Molecules and their Environment (MME)" : Research Training 2023-2024

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Precision spectroscopy of acetylene for fundamental science applica3ons | F. Constantin | florin.constantin[at] |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Simulating excitations and ionizations with efficient electronic structure methods | Severo Pereira Gomes Andre | andre.gomes[at] |

Sujets de master recheche disponibles mars 2024 | Encadrant | email de contact |
Laser in a lattice of photonic resonators | A. Amo | alberto.amo[at] |