Seminar of the Quantum Information Working Group: Rémi Bardenet (Directeur de recherche CNRS, CRIStAL)
phlam Vie du laboratoire SéminaireThe "Maison de la Simulation" and the "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" working group invite you to a seminar given by Rémi Bardenet, CNRS research director at CRIStAL institute:
Zoom link for virtual broadcasting:
15:30-16:30: Rémi Bardenet (CNRS Research director at CRIStAL) - M3 building, 3rd floor, seminar room
Title: Quantum-certified randomness: what does it mean?
Some of us recently met with people from Quandela and OVHcloud who told us about a whole area of research called quantum-certified randomness, where quantum results like the violation of a Bell inequality can be used to give a so-called “certificate of randomness”. I have tried to investigate what this actually means, and will tell you about a few basic things I think I have understood. Here are a high-level review from Nature, and a more technical landmark paper, also in Nature, that I will use as an example of protocol.
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