
The high-performance computing cluster
This cluster is located at PhLAM in a dedicated room with custom air conditioning and uninterruptible power supply.
Sakura has 36 nodes with a total of 874 computing cores, much of which is equipped with very large amounts of memory (more than 256 GB and up to 1536 GB) and a huge temporary storage of work.
This cluster is mainly used (and maintained) by the PCMT team but is accessible to all laboratory teams.
In 2012, PhLAM has equipped a dedicated room with a custom-designed, uninterruptible power supply to house the high-performance shared cluster of the laboratory.
This computer installation is designed to complement the national supercomputer facility and the GENCI regional facility by providing computer nodes with high capacity memory (greater than 256 GB) capable of accumulating large arrays appearing in the molecular modeling or nonlinear dynamics equations.
This environment is ideal for PhLAM research teams in their development and comparative analysis of new methods and algorithms before they can be deployed and scaled to hundreds and thousands of processors on major supercomputing platforms. The lab's HPC rooms also host dedicated local storage for large-scale modeling and experimental data.