
The research activities of the Photonics Research Group (Laboratory PhLAM/IRCICA) are structured around the technology centre devoted to the study and the achievement of Photonic Crystal Fibres (PCF). This platform, installed in January 2007 in the IRCICA building, gathers several original facilities dedicated to the fabrication of preforms by MCVD (Modified Chemical Vapour Deposition), OVD (Outside Vapour Deposition) and Sol-Gel processes, as well as tailor-made equipment for the drawing of PCF. Combined to the characterisation and modelling tools, these facilities make this technological platform a unique site in France and also of first rank in Europe. The researches focus on the development of new optical fibres aiming to master the optical properties of light or to achieve new light sources. These activities are organised into three main tightly linked research axes: 

Areas of application and collaborations:

Photonics is a high-tech field, which is therefore subject to a great deal of research, development and continuous innovation. In addition, the relationships between public research institutions and industry are strong, allowing innovation based on basic research. It is in this context that the research activities of the photonics group relate to applications in the telecommunications, sensors, new light sources and biology sectors. These actions are carried out as part of internal development or through national and international collaborations with academic partners (XLim LimogesLVC RennesLPMC NiceLPCML LyonCNR Trento…)  and industrial partners  (Prysmian GroupCEA-CESTAAlcatel-Lucent, etc.)

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Geographical location of our national and international collaborations.

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