Molecular Physics at Interfaces

The MPI team (formerly Spectroscopy and Applications) has 18 permanent staff (6 Prof., 8 Assoc. Prof., 3 Res. and 1 emeritus) and is engaged in multidisciplinary research. The team is structured in 3 groups: ANATRAC, SPECTRO, and SPIN. Each group develops dilute phase and / or condensed phase activities that are part of the molecular physics interface and various fields of application such as astrophysics, environmental sciences, physics and physics. biology, medicine, plasmas and materials. The research activities of the MPI team therefore evolve at the interfaces between domains, phases and scales of study.

Team news

An article from the SPECTRO group (PMI team) is on the cover of Spectrochimica Acta A

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Spectrochimica Acta A du numéro de juin 2022 : Read here ...

Application note on the characterization by AFM-TERS of nanoparticles emitted by automobile engines within the framework of the H2020 PEMS4Nano project.

phlam  PMI  Actualités scientifiques  Vie du labo  Actualités 

The collaboration between the company Horiba and the PMI…

Florin Constantin from PMI team is co-author of an article published in Nature.

phlam  PMI  Vie du labo  Parutions 
Test of quantum electrodynamics and determination of fundamental constants with cold trapped HD+ ions.