Health & Safety Prevention

The prevention of occupational risks covers all the provisions to be implemented to preserve the health and safety of employees, improve working conditions and promote well-being at work.

A professional risk prevention approach is built by involving all stakeholders.

The research activities of the PhLAM laboratory concern several scientific fields: laser, spectroscopy, bio-photonics and chemistry. The risks to which the personnel is exposed are therefore differents: laser risk, biological risk and chemical risk.

The director of the laboratory, who is responsible for the safety and health protection of all officers under his authority, is assisted by 3 Prevention Assistants (PA).

The 3 PAs work in teams as regards the general aspects of a prevention approach (reception of new entrants, writing of the Unique Document), in addition everyone has a field of intervention defined according to their expertise and skills.

Laser referent: Nunzia SAVOIA (PhLAM P5)

Referents chemicals:

Referent biological risk and risks related to the layout of rooms