
The laboratory staff assigned to the Valorization has 2 permanent members (IGE and MCF) and 3 contractual agents. Their mission is, among other things, to promote the optical fibers of the Centrale FiberTech Lille.

  • 1 Design Engineer: Damien LABAT, laboratory development correspondent, is responsible for this department,
  • 1 Lecturer: Rémy BERNARD, provides support with his skills in materials chemistry,
  • 3 contract agents from the Photonics team specializing in these fields come to reinforce these skills within the framework of the CPER Photonics For Society (P4S)..

All 3 provide support with their respective skills in materials chemistry, and optics / instrumentation. 

This multidisciplinary service develops real know-how around fiber and fiber optic components. His specialty is to design and manufacture custom fiber solutions or devices, with high added value, for the field of Lasers, Telecom, sensors, high power, hostile environments and biomedical. The engineering perfected makes it possible to develop processes and methods for the various contracts, services and industrial collaborations of the FiberTech Lille plant.

Thus, its role is to remove the technological barriers of fiber solutions (from the synthesis of the material to the final component) in order to progress in the TRL scale and enhance the activities of the Laboratory.

The development of this know-how is possible thanks to the staff made available and the acquisition of numerous equipment financed by the various LABEXEQUIPEX and CPER obtained by the laboratory.

Among these fiber solutions, we can cite:

  • Bragg gratings to realize gain equalizers, chromatic dispersion compensators, laser cavities and sensors.
  • Components for fiber laser cavities such as pump/signal combiners, mode adapters, endcaps and stripper modes.
  • Adaptable fiber end terminations (EndCap, ball lens and GRIN lens).
  • Fiber / hair assemblies for medical applications.
  • Atypical welds of optical fibers (PCF, LMA…)
  • Specific coatings for hostile environments or high temperatures

For more information:


Some achievements

Phase mask for the registration of Bragg networks.

Silica ball welded to the end of a revolver fiber for non-linear endoscopy.

Welding of an EndCap on a silica fiber for laser amplification.

Realization of a pump and signal PM (6+1) x1 bundle with an LZM-100.