V. Diffusion scientifique

“Kézako” series and “Quidquam?”

The Kézako series (kezako.unisciel.fr) is a documentary series consisting of short movies (currently 71 episodes, and 4 in progress), of the order of 3 to 5 minutes, whose objective is to "answer to questions of science that are on everyone's mind", in a clear and instructive way, and as complete as possible within the given format. Kézako is for all audiences, school, students, teachers, general public. This series has some success for institutional videos (the series is produced by Unisciel, Université des Sciences en Ligne), with some episodes that exceed 500,000 views on YouTube. This series is broadcasted by many sites, such as Universcience, France Culture Plus, Canal + Campus and Canal Sat, LeMonde.fr, France-Television-Education or Futura-Sciences. Episodes have integrated the internal training of some companies (for example that on the plane is used by EADS), university courses (for example in the L1 of the University of Bordeaux), educational institutions (via the CNED), textbooks from publishers (Nathan, Hatier, Milan), exhibitions and museums, up to Canada. The series is also widely distributed in French-speaking countries through the Institut Français (for example, diffusion in all bilingual classes in Laos). It has also been selected by the NGO "Bibliothèques Sans Frontières" to integrate the "Ideas Box" into an action in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)Quidquam?” Understanding the world in everyday life" is an extension of the Kézako series. Launched in 2014 during the implementation of the FUN platform, it offers three levels of reading to target a very wide audience. The two sessions totaled 15,000 registrations from 80 different countries. The Quidquam MOOC also led to the creation of the “ Quidquam live” lecture series, broadcast live on the Internet, which totals several thousand views.