Séminaire "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing": A. Leverrier (INRIA Paris) & F. Cléri (IEMN)

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Amphithéâtre Pierre Glorieux
La "Maison de la Simulation" et le groupe de travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" vous invite le vendredi 8 avril (Amphithéâtre Pierre Glorieux, Bâtiment CERLA) à deux séminaires de A. Leverrier (INRIA Paris) et F. Cléri (IEMN) Lien Zoom: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/95182035177?pwd=M2JFSTUrQjRlcWhRUEV4RjNVMzlpQT09 Programme:  14:00-14:45: Anthony Leverrier (INRIA Paris). Quantum error correcting codes. One of the great challenges of contemporary physics is to build a quantum computer. This task is particularly challenging because of the very fragile nature of quantum information. Current quantum processors gather a few tens of noisy qubits, and the only viable strategy towards building a useful large-scale quantum computer is to devise powerful quantum error correcting codes to protect quantum information from unavoidable sources of noise. In this talk, I will define quantum error correcting codes and focus on the class of stabilizer codes that generalize classical linear codes. I will describe topological constructions such as the toric code and discuss recent advances in the field. 15:00-15:45: Fabrizio Cléri (IEMN). Supremacy vs Thermodynamics in Quantum Computing (Part 2) The so-called “supremacy” in quantum information technologies originates from the observation that quantum computers can perform certain tasks exponentially faster than any classical hardware. A quantum computer has access to exponentially more logical states, and thus, it has the potential to process exponentially more information per logical operation. However, we have known since the 1960s that information is physical and that its processing consumes thermodynamic resources. Stochastic thermodynamics has been able to incorporate information in the expression of fluctuation theorems, but can it be extended to “quantum thermodynamics”? Quantum computing is in principle reversible, but activating the gates of the quantum circuit is not energetically free. What does it mean irreversibility, work, heat in the quantum realm? Will quantum computers necessitate exponentially more energy to operate compared to a classical computer, to sustain any possible quantum advantage? Suite du précédent séminaire PDF

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