Séminaires du Groupe de Travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing": Antoine Browaeys (Laboratoire Charles Fabry) et Adrien Signoles (Pasqal)
phlam Vie du laboratoire SéminaireLa "Maison de la Simulation" et le groupe de travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" vous invite aux séminaires de Antoine Browaeys (Laboratoire Charles Fabry) et Adrien Signoles (Pasqal)
Lien Zoom: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/95775217911?pwd=WnVPdmpmZGpiWm9USXZ6eWdPZG9Ddz09
14:00-14:45: Antoine Browaeys (Laboratoire Charles Fabry). Quantum simulation with arrays of Rydberg atoms
This seminar will present an example of a synthetic quantum system, based on laser-cooled ensembles of individual atoms trapped in microscopic optical tweezer arrays. By exciting the atoms into Rydberg states, we make them interact, even at distances of more than ten micrometers. In this way, we study the magnetic properties of an ensemble of more than a hundred interacting ½ spins, in a regime in which simulations by usual numerical methods are already very challenging. Some aspects of this research led to the creation of a startup, Pasqal.
14:45-15:15: Coffee break
15:15-16:00: Adrien Signoles (Pasqal). Quantum computing with neutral atoms
The startup Pasqal is developing a quantum computing platform made of neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers. We will present here how this platform can be used to implement both analog (programming Hamiltonian sequences) or digital (gate-based) processing. We will describe the main achievements and challenges in the field and illustrate how applications, ranging from simulation of quantum systems to classification tasks, can be explored.