Séminaires du Groupe de Travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing": Stephan De Bièvre (Lab. Painlevé, Uni. Lille) & Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau (Quandela)
phlam Vie du laboratoire SéminaireLa "Maison de la Simulation" et le groupe de travail "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" vous invite le Vendredi 10 février 2023 aux séminaires de Stephan De Bièvre (Lab. Painlevé - Uni. Lille) et Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau (Quandela)
Lien Zoom: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/95775217911?pwd=WnVPdmpmZGpiWm9USXZ6eWdPZG9Ddz09
14:00-14:45: Stephane De Bievre (Laboratoire Painlevé - Université de Lille). Quantum mechanics in 45 minutes
A fast and furious introduction to the pecularities of quantum mechanics distinguishing it from classical mechanics, aimedprincipally at the master's students
and whoever else has no or little previous exposure to the subject. Just enough to prepare for the second talk of the afternoon.
14:45-15:15: Coffee break
15:15-16:00: Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau (Quandela). Photonic Quantum Computation and all the things you weren'ttold in 45 minutes
Quandela develops photonic technologies and applications for the quantum computing era, treating real-worldcomputational and communicational challenges in ways that classical computers cannot.
Founded in 2017 to commercialise its ground-breaking quantum light sources, Quandela components can now be found at the heart of quantum computing initiatives being developed by partner companies and research groups around the world. Our focus now encompasses the development of our own quantum computing platform and the in-house R&D of algorithms, protocols and applications for which our photonic technologies provide quantum advantage.
In this talk, I will present some specificities of photonics for quantum computation from hardware to software to theoryand I will shed light on some applications that are developed at Quandela.