Séminaire du laboratoire PhLAM : Dr. Sophie ELIET, Dr. Romain PERETTI, IEMN, TeraHertz technologies for materials, atmospheric and biologic investigations
Séminaire Vie du laboDr. Sophie ELIET (Ingénieure de Recherches CNRS, Institut d'Electronique, Micro-électronique et Nanotechnologies)
Dr. Romain PERETTI (Chargé de Recherches CNRS, Institut d'Electronique, Micro-électronique et Nanotechnologies)
Titre: TeraHertz technologies for materials, atmospheric and biologic investigations
The TeraHertz spectral range (100 GHz – 10 THz) is one of the last frontiers in photonics and offers a host of opportunities and applications (telecommunications, security, biology ...). After an overview of THz advantages and challenges, we will briefly present the most commonly used instrumentation (sources, detectors, ...) in this spectral range. Then we will focus on two main THz applications developed at IEMN: the investigation of gas-phase molecules and aerosols of atmospheric interest by TeraHertz Time-domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and the scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) for the characterisation of split-ring micro-resonators, a tool of interest for biophotonics.
Lien pour s'inscrire: https://evento.renater.fr/survey/seminaire-du-laboratoire-phlam-20-octobre-2023-jojrx04f