Un article du groupe DYNACC (DYSCO) dans la revue Physical Review Letters

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Manipulating an Instability in Synchrotron Light Sources to Generate Giant Pulses of Terahertz Radiation

Manipulating an Instability in Synchrotron Light Sources to Generate Giant Pulses of Terahertz Radiation

Members of DYNACC group show that gain-switching – a well-known technique in laser physics – can be transposed to the accelerator domain, for generating giant pulses of terahertz synchrotron radiation. 

The physical process relies on the spontaneous formation of structures, and their control, inside relativistic electron bunches. 

Applying this method, we achieve bursts approximately ten times more powerful than those obtained through spontaneous emission. Numerical simulations allows to understand and observe the spatio-temporal dynamics during this process, and experimental validation has been conducted at the French Synchrotron SOLEIL. 

Terahertz emission obtained thanks to this technique will make it possible to carry out Far-infrared/THz spectroscopy experiments requiring a high signal-to-noise ratio.

These results have been published in the well-known journal Physical Review Letters in october 2024.

References : https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.145001