The biophotonics expertise center
P4B is a biophotonics expertise center for access to state-of-the-art microscopy devices. Created in 2018, it comes from the biophotonic group of the laboratory and offers PhLAM researchers access in particular to confocal microscopes designed by the group to equip quantitative characterization methods such as FLIM or FCS unique in the Hauts-de-France region.
The center was expanded supported by Equipex Imaginex Biomed, CPER Photonics4Society and industrial contracts with Nikon and Leica.
Research engineer Photon4Bio team leader, DYSCO team and Technical Director of PhLAM
Engineer of studies Photon4Bio, Prevention and DYSCO team
Engineer of studies Photon4Bio and DYSCO team
Scientific Advisor
Lecturer Photon4Bio and DYSCO team