Arnaud MUSSOT named 2023 Fellow of the American Optical Society

Photonique Actualités scientifiques Vie du labo Prix et distinction

Arnaud MUSSOT is a professor at the University of Lille. He does his teaching at the IMT Nord Europe engineering school and his research work at the PhLAM laboratory and IRCICA. He is rewarded for all the pioneering work he has carried out on nonlinear effects in optical fibres, in particular on modulation instability, the generation of supercontinua, rogue waves or frequency combs.

Founded in 1916, the American Optical Society (OPTICA) aims to promote the construction of knowledge as well as the dissemination of knowledge in optics and photonics at the international level. OPTICA brings together renowned scientists, engineers and business leaders from around the world.

Since 1959, nearly 2,800 scientists have joined the ranks of OPTICA Fellows. The nomination is very selective since each year at most 0.5% of the OPTICA community can access this status of "Fellows" for their major contribution to the advancement of optics and photonics.

Arnaud MUSSOT is an honorary member of the IUF (Junior member in 2015). He is currently president of section 30 of the national university committee and head of the nonlinear effects in optical fibers and integrated optics research group (GDR ELIOS). His current research focuses on the generation of multi-frequency combs in free propagation or in fiber resonators for applications in nonlinear spectroscopy. He continues his work on the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou process in uniform or longitudinally modulated optical fibers manufactured by the FiberTechLille plant.

Contact : Arnaud MUSSOT, arnaud.mussot[chez]univ-lille[point].fr

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