Newcomers: Monika Bouet

Vie du labo

CNRS Research Engineer at the Fibertech Lille platform.
The PhLAM laboratory is pleased to count among its new members Mrs. Monika Bouet, CNRS Research Engineer. Its activities will mainly be centered around the FiberTech Lille platform.
Monika Bouet received the M.Sc. in chemistry at the Jagiellonian University (Cracow, Poland) and the University of Orléans (France) in 2008. Afterwards, she joined the ICOA laboratory (University of Orléans) for the co-tutelle PhD thesis to work on original sensitizers for lanthanide complexes. Her first post-doc in the COBRA laboratory (Rouen, France) was dedicated to synthesis and biological evaluation of original compounds for treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. In 2016, she joined the PhLAM Laboratory (University of Lille, France) at the IRCICA Institute, to work on the development of new erbium complexes for EDFA. Since then, she has enlarged her scientific interest on the manufacturing of optical fiber preforms by MCVD and OVD technique, the characterization of lanthanide doped glasses and the fabrication of optical fibers with conventional and specific coatings for optical fibers.