ZHUTOVA Nadiya : Multiscale modelling of polonium chemistry in solution
Thesis summary:
Polonium is one of the rarest chemical elements on Earth. Because of its rarity, but also because of its notorious toxicity, its chemistry is particularly poorly studied; indeed, it remains largely unknown. However, the development of in situ sensors to detect traces of this element in the environment requires a detailed understanding of this chemistry, as well as the design of "decorporant" chelating agents to treat accidental contamination by ingestion. The objective of this transverse project will be to develop a numerical calculation methodology to predict by theory the chemical behavior of polonium in solution (nature and reactivity of chemical species formed, absorption spectra). Quantum mechanical methods as well as innovative approaches coupling these methods with classical physics will be developed, in a collaboration involving three CNRS institutes.
ZHUTOVA Nadiya - LinkedIn
Thesis supervisors: Rémi Maurice (ICR, Rennes) - VALLET Valérie (PhLAM)