OHER Hanna: Development of innovate spectral modelling methods for the investigation of actinide-ligand interactions using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.

Abstract: The interactions between actinides and organic molecules such as those used in solvent extraction processes have been the subject of many studies on the coordination and stability of complexes. These studies require the combination of speciation techniques at low level, and modeling methods, applied to each type of ligands. Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) is able to probe the speciation of U (VI) through the analysis of the luminescence emission of uranyl ion in complexes. The objective of this study is to understand the effect of U (VI) -ligand interactions on spectroscopic data for a chosen family of molecules, of interest in solvent extraction processes. First, it will be applied to characterize U (VI) excited states after laser excitation. The main challenge will be in the most excited states of the most excited states of the spectrum of spectroscopic transitions. These models will be tested and validated on experimental data of U (VI) organic solutions.

OHER Hanna - hanna.oher.etu[chez]univ-lille[point].en - 07 67 44 25 95

Thesis supervisor: VALLET Valérie
Co-supervisors: REAL Florent and VERCOUTER Thomas (CEA-Saclay)