PhD Defense of Eve-Line BANCEL

phlam Photonique Soutenance de thèse Vie du labo Doctorants
Amphithéâtre de l'IRCICA

BANCEL Eve-Line, PhLAM Laboratoty- UMR8523 - Photonic Team

Title: Generation of  triple frequency combs in multi-core fibers for multidimensional spectroscopy

Jury: A. MUSSOT (PhLAM), R. SANTAGATA (ONERA), F. LEO (Université Libre de Bruxelles), T. SYLVESTRE (Université de Franche-Comté), A. DURECU (ONERA), H. RIGNEAULT (Université Aix-Marseille), B. WETZEL (Université de Limoges)


This thesis work explores the development, characterization, and practical application of a novel, fully fibered, and freely-tunable tri-frequency-comb laser source for advanced multidimensional spectroscopy. Tricomb spectroscopy unveils a new dimension to standard linear and non-linear spectroscopic analysis, offering the possibility to reveal the almost real-time evolution of complex systems with unprecedented accuracy. Current tri-comb configurations are based on the use of mode-locked lasers, which impose constraints on the comb parameters, and require complex electronic synchronization, thus limiting potential applications. In this thesis, we present the experimental demonstration of the spatial multiplexing in a multi-core non-linear fiber of three electro-optic combs from a common laser source.
This architecture aims to ensure intrinsic mutual coherence between the three combs. The manuscript provides a comprehensive study of the development and characterization of the three combs.
We validated their pairwise coherence through dual-comb experiments. We exploited the tri-comb coherence to experimentally investigate intra-envelope four-wave mixing phenomenon in optical fibers.
Using the third comb as a multi-line local oscillator enabled us to extract and analyze the intermingled components resulting from the non-linear interaction between the two first combs.
We then revealed the high mutual coherence between the three broadened combs by applying this approach through the demonstration of a 2-D FWM spectroscopy experiment.

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