
Photonique Symposium
You are cordially invited to participate in the 13th edition of the SiO2 Symposium, Advanced Dielectrics and related Devices (SiO2 2020) to be held from June 14th to 16th, 2021 in visioconference. The biennial SiO2 Symposium Series is an international forum on the science and technology of silica-based systems, including also new dielectrics and related device applications. The series started in 1996 in Agelonde (France) and the last conference took place in Bari (Italy) in 2018. The 2021 meeting will be organized as a virtual conference by the Laboratory of Laboratory of Physics of Lasers, Atoms and Molecules (PhLAM), University of LilleCNRS. As a consequence, no fee will be due for your participation.
The objective of the conference remains to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments in the physics and chemistry of SiO2 and new dielectric materials in microelectronics, optics, photonics, etc. The conference also offers the opportunity to highlight future prospects in these fast-moving fields and to enhance exchanges and collaborations between scientists. Participation of young researchers (PhD) is especially encouraged. Only oral communications are solicited, reporting on original research (both experimental and theoretical) in the following areas:
    • Electronic and atomic structure
    • Optical and electronic properties
    • Defect generation and transformation
    • Basic mechanisms and modeling
    • Radiation effects (including laser treatment and harsh environments)
    • Dosimetry, sensors, radiation curing
    • Micro- / nano-structuring
    • Fiber optics and fiber-based devices
    • Microelectronics
    • Optoelectronics, photonics
The organizing committee: Mohamed Bouazaoui, Bruno Capoen, Hicham El Hamzaoui, Christophe Kinowski. PhLAM CNRS UMR 8523, Université de Lille The SiO2 2021 Symposium is supported by: