Seminar "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing": G. Patera (PhLAM) & A. Feller (CRIStAL)

phlam Vie du laboratoire Séminaire DYSCO
Amphithéâtre Pierre Glorieux
The "Maison de la Simulation" and the "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" working group invite you to a set of two seminars given by G. Patera (Laboratoire PhLAM) and F. Cléri (Laboratoire IEMN)
Program:  14:00-14:45: Giuseppe Patera (PhLAM). Quantum information in continuous variables All-optical implementations based on continuous‐variables (CV) encodings play an important role among the technologies that are considered for implementing a quantum computer. This because they present undeniable assets: CV-states of light can be generated in a deterministic way, are robust to decoherence and they can be efficiently manipulated with beam‐splitters and simple photodiodes. Therefore, continuous-variable quantum computing has the potential to be universal and scalable. Also, it does not suffer from any fundamental impossibility regarding fault tolerance and quantum error correction. In this talk I will introduce CV-variables, illustrate how they can implement a qubit and review few applications in quantum information. 15:00-15:45: Alexandre Feller (CRIStAL). Introduction to quantum information theory Quantum information and communication theories are the generalizations of the seminal work of Claude Shannon on the mathematical theory of communication to the context of quantum theory. This vast body of work has become increasingly important with the recent developments of quantum systems that can be manipulated, controlled and used to build quantum devices able to perform computing tasks (for communication, sensing and computing). The goal of this presentation will be to give some basic elements of quantum information theory, contrast them with their classical counterpart, and interpret them as much as possible in an operational way as resources in quantum communication protocols.