Seminar by Laurent Bonnet (ISM Bordeaux) "Quantum molecular predictions from classical paths"

phlam PCMT Vie du laboratoire Séminaire
Salle 172 (P5 Bis)
Laurent Bonnet CNRS researcher at ISM in Bordeaux will give a seminar on monday June 13th at 14:30. "Quantum molecular predictions from classical paths" The goal of the talk is to show how one may in principle approximate the quantum predictions in gas phase molecular dynamics and spectroscopy by replacing difficult wave propagations with user-friendly trajectory calculations. [1-4]. [1] W. H. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 2942 (2001). [2] E. J. Heller, The Semiclassical Way to Dynamics and Spectroscopy (Princeton University Press, 2018). [3] L. Bonnet, J. Chem Phys. 155, 174103 (2021) [4] G. Di Liberto, R. Conte, M. Ceotto, J. Chem Phys. 148, 104302 (2018)