15 physicists’ exhibition
phlam Expositions Vie du laboratoireThe Parité - Égalité - Lutte contre les Violences Sexistes et Sexuelles unit of the PhLAM laboratory (Physics of Lasers, Atoms and Molecules, UMR 8523 CNRS - University of Lille, https://phlam.univ-lille.fr/), in partnership with the Société Française de Physique (SFP) and the Physics Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Lille, is presenting the ‘15 physiciennes’ exhibition, created by the SFP on the initiative of its Women and Physics Committee. The exhibition features 15 portraits of women scientists who have won major research prizes from the SFP. These portraits retrace their careers and their research, highlighting their contributions to scientific progress. They can be a source of inspiration for younger people, particularly young women, to embark on studies in physics.
The ‘15 women physicists’ exhibition will be accompanied by a major event on Tuesday 9 July 2024: a lecture for the general public by Anne L'Huillier, winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics (https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2023/press-release/). Invited by the PhLAM laboratory and the Physics Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Lille (https://sciences-technologies.univ-lille.fr/physique), and in partnership with the SFP, she will present her research work and introduce everyone to physics on the attosecond scale.
These actions are part of the Year of Physics 2023-2024.
The ‘15 physicists’ exhibition is freely accessible at LILLIAD Learning Center Innovation (Cité Scientifique Campus, Université de Lille) during opening hours from 10 June to 10 July 2024.