Crimes and offenses: science investigation
phlam Expositions
From March 6th to 9th, ASEL (Association Science Et Livre) in partnership with the Forum départemental des Sciences is organizing its 9th Festival Science en Livre in LILLIAD.
This festival, adapted to all audiences and free, is organized around diversified playful workshops: reading, writing, animations / scientific demonstrations, an exhibition and conferences.
Access the Festival program here.
Take advantage of this Festival to attend the two conferences which will bring to light the evolution of investigation techniques thanks to the contribution of computer science and cybercrime:
• Wednesday, March 6, 7 pm : "La science au service de l’enquête" by Catherine Martel, Chief Engineer, Laboratory of Scientific Police, Lille.
• Thursday, March 7, 7 pm : "Les techniques modernes de surveillance et d’investigation : une menace pour les libertés individuelles ?" By Jean-Yves Maréchal, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Université de Lille.

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