A publication from the PCMT team in Chem. Commun. on protactinium makes the news at CNRS Chimie
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In solution, actinides in ionic form frequently form chemical bonds known as ‘oxo’ bonds. This behaviour is linked to the high charge of actinide ions, their electronic structure and their affinity for oxygen.
Located between thorium and uranium in the periodic table, protactinium exhibits unusual behaviour. In solution, while no oxo bond forms with thorium and two oxo bonds can form with uranium or certain transuranics, protactinium is likely to form only one oxo bond. To characterise this bond, the interatomic distance is a decisive parameter. Schematically, the shorter the bond, the more covalent and stable it is, and the greater the multiplicity of the bond (double, triple, etc.). ...
More information on CNRS Chemistry news and the publication below:
T. Shaaban, H. Oher, J. Aupiais, J. Champion, A. S. P. Gomes, C. Le Naour, M. Maloubier, F. Réal, E. Renault, X. Rocquefelte, B. Siberchicot, V. Vallet & R. Maurice
Is the protactinium(V) mono-oxo bond weaker than what we thought?
Chem. Commun. 2024