The thesis prize "International Research in Science and Technology" awarded to Stefan Irimiciuc.

PMI Vie du labo Doctorants Prix et distinction

The thesis prize "International Research in Science and Technology" of the Doctoral College Lille Nord of France was awarded on November 21, 2018 to Stefan Irimiciuc for his thesis "Experimental and theoretical studies on the dynamics of transient plasmas generated by laser ablation in various temporal regimes".
The thesis prize "International Research in Science and Technology" of the Doctoral College Lille Nord of France was awarded on November 21, 2018 to Stefan Irimiciuc for his thesis "Experimental and theoretical studies on the dynamics of transient plasmas generated by laser ablation in various temporal regimes". Mr. IRIMICIUC completed his thesis (October 2014 - October 2017) in co-supervision between the PhLAM laboratory (supervising C. Focsa) and the Faculty of Physics of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi Romania (supervising Mr. Agop) receiving a grant from the French Government. A decisive contribution to the success of his research (which led to the publication of four articles and a book chapter) was made by the use of the pico / femtosecond laser chain PhLAM/CERLA. During his thesis, Mr. IRIMICIUC also obtained five other prizes for the best communication presented by a doctoral student in various international conferences. He is currently a permanent researcher at the National Institute for Lasers, Plasmas and Radiation Physics in Bucharest, Romania.