The 2017 RADECS Best Poster prize goes to Nissrine Al Helou.
Photonique Vie du labo Doctorants Prix et distinction
The Photonics team of the PhLAM laboratory is pleased to announce that him student Nissrine Al Helou, supervised by Bruno Capoen, Professor, and El Hamzaoui, Research Engineer within the team, was awarded the 2017 RADECS best poster prize entitled "X-ray monitoring using radioluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence in Cerium doped sol-gel silica glasses."
The aim of the RADECS conferences is to provide an annual European forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest advances in the field of radiation effects on electronic and photonic materials, devices, circuits, sensors, and systems. The conference focused on technological processes and design techniques for producing radiation-tolerant systems for space, aeronautical and terrestrial applications, as well as relevant methodologies for their characterization and qualification.
More details are available on the RADECS website : Link