Ramón Panadés-Barrueta received the poster prize sponsored by the PCCP Journal at the IMAMPC International Congress.

PCMT Vie du labo Doctorants Prix et distinction

The 9th International Meeting of Molecular Atomic Physics and Chemistry was held in Berlin from June 5 to 8, 2018.
The PCMT team of the PhLAM laboratory is pleased to announce that the IMAMPC international conference has awarded the PCCP poster prize to the student Ramón Panadés-Barrueta, supervised by Daniel Peláez Ruiz, senior lecturer on the team. The poster is entitled:"Fast-Computing Potential Energy Surfaces from Specific Reaction Parameter Hamiltonians." This interdisciplinary meeting was conceived to encourage the active participation of young theoreticians and experimentalists in the field of atomic and molecular physics. Keeping up with this tradition, the 9th edition of the IMAMPC has promoted innovative research by young scientists, in order to highlight their important contributions to the field. More details are available on the committee website: Link