Tuesday, December 14 took place the CNRS talent ceremony at Lilliad Learning center innovation!
DYSCO Actualités scientifiques Vie du labo
Yesterday was the CNRS talent ceremony at Lilliad Learning center innovation!
Each year, the awarding of CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique medals celebrates researchers and agents who contribute in an exceptional way to the dynamism and reputation of the institution. Congratulations to Eléonore Roussel, Accelerator Physics Researcher at the PhLAM Laboratory who received the CNRS bronze medal.
And congratulations to Gerald Dherbomez, Robotics Research Engineer in the CRIStAL research unit for the award of his CNRS crystal medal.
The event page: ttps://www.hauts-de-france.cnrs.fr/fr/evenement/ceremonie-des-talents-cnrs-2022
Discover the portrait of Eléonore Roussel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGvQyPjdyZA