The article "Universal quantum frequency comb measurements by spectral mode-matching" from the Quantum Systems team, published in Optica Quantum.
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The article "Universal quantum frequency comb measurements by spectral mode-matching" from the Quantum Systems team, published in Optica Quantum.
It presents the results of a collaboration between Bakhao Dioum (PhD student) and Giuseppe Patera from the Quantum Systems team, Virginia D'Auria from the Photonics and Quantum Information team at the Institut de Physique de Nice, Alessandro Zavatta (CNR-INO, Italy), and Olivier Pfister (University of Virginia, USA).
In the continuous-variable encoding of quantum information, not only is homodyne detection (HD) essential to the characterization of quantum states but its projective nature is also a valuable tool for state preparation and is central to measurement-based quantum computation. Recent discoveries unveiled two phenomena, “morphing behavior” and “hidden correlations”, that hinder the efficiency of protocols for quantum information processing based on HD. These two phenomena are much more common than previously thought and expected to be present in microring resonators, optomechanics, four-wave mixing in atomic ensembles, polaritons in semiconductor microcavities, and quantum cascade lasers.
A novel approach has been developed to address fundamental limitations in quantum state detection using "Interferometers with Memory Effect (IME)" as the first universal approach for overcoming the limitations of HD. The proposed device is used as interface between the quantum resource and the standard HD in order to establish the necessary mode-matching with highly multimode quantum states characterized by morphing behavior and hidden correlations.
Smooth decomposition methods for frequency-dependent unitaries have also been developed, allowing implementation of IME through coupled-cavity arrays. The approach has demonstrated significant advantages even when applied to systems with a small number of modes. Furthermore, comprehensive implementation strategies have been proposed, accompanied by detailed analyses of performance and scalability.
This novel approach improves the detection of quantum states in cavity-based systems, promises to unlock the potentialities of integrated quantum photonics for applications in quantum information processing.