Seminar "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing": Giuseppe Patera (Maître de Conférences, PhLAM)

phlam Manifestations scientifiques Séminaire Vie du labo DYSCO
The "Maison de la Simulation" and the "Quantum Information and Quantum Computing" working group invite you to a seminar given by Giuseppe Patera, Assistant Professor at PhLAM Laboratory on June 4th, 2021, at 14:00.
One-way quantum computation in the optical frequency comb
Abstract: One-way Quantum Computation (QC) is an equivalent (but still universal) alternative to the circuit model of universal QC. One-way  QC  starts  from  a  "cluster  state", an entangled qubit lattice which contains all the entanglement that can ever be needed by a quantum algorithm. It then proceeds solely by single-qubit measurements which inform feed-forward unitaries on the lattice neighbors. In this presentation I will review few basics facts about one-way quantum computation and I will discuss its physical implementation in the domain of quantum optics by means of combs of frequencies.

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