Mini-symposium on relativistic electronic structure

phlam Vie du laboratoire PCMT Séminaire
Salle 172: 1er étage P5
In the lead-up to the PhD defense of Loïc Halbert on Wednesday November 10th at 14h (CERLA and Zoom), we are pleased to announce a mini-symposium on relativistic electronic structure theory and its applications to heavy elements, taking place on from 9h to 11h at the physics department. The symposium will consist of talks by two distinguished speakers: Dr. Trond Saue, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques UMR 5626 CNRS, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier Title: Does chemistry need more physics ? Dr. Rémi Maurice, Institut de Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, CNRS UMR 6226, University of Rennes 1 Title: Theoretical radiochemistry: Toward the“predict then experiment” guideline Registration for the Zoom meeting is required (register here) Program: 09:00-09:15: Coffee and welcome (near room 072) 09:15-10:00: Trond Saue (room 172) 10:00-10:15: Coffee break (near room 072) 10:15-11:00: Rémi Maurice (room (172)

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